Hey, i'm Kahfi
A santri who are just learning coding and who are ready to help you create a functional, aesthetic and optimal website for all your digital needs.
I can calculate all equations and use them in everyday life, Mathematics is also my favorite subject
I am studying English and Arabic, And i want to learn Japanese
I can design interesting designs for users, even though I'm just learning, I'll try
Even though I'm just learning, I have mastered HTML and CSS quite well
My name is Muhammad Kahfi Achyarudin, usually called kahfi or acho (friend's nickname). I am a student (more precisely a santri) who is learning coding and try to master it
My skills include HTML, CSS, and other latest technologies to build fast, responsive, and easy-to-use websites. I always try to provide the best solution according to client needs.
E-commerce website with user-friendly interface and secure payment features.
View in Dribbble ↗Interactive portfolio to showcase projects and work experience.
View in Dribbble ↗Contact me if you want to ask something
"Website ini bagus, saya suka desainnya terutama logonya yang berlatar gelap, itu yang paling saya suka"
"Saya suka dengan desainnya yang sederhana tetapi menarik. dan warna dominannya sangat cocok"
"Menurut saya ok-ok aja, tidak ada yang kurang karena website ini terlalu bagus dan hampir sempurna"